Paid Time Off Application

ully automated management of requests for Paid Time Off, covering all aspects of vacation, sick, and regional holiday support, with request management, approvals and dashboard summaries, as well as forms, task tracking, escalation and reminders.

Client Problem
Client wanted to have an application created to manage the Leave requests and show the available balance for the leave types. Also, they wanted to export the List as an Excel spreadsheet so they can further filter and analyze.
Once the leaves are approved, Client wanted to have the ability for Managers to Retract the leaves and add them back to the balance.
We created a PowerApps Canvas App which has SharePoint List as data source. We created different lists for managing – Balance List, Requests, Company Holidays, Leave Types. We are showing Company Holidays based on the user’s location. The Balance for a user when applying for leave is calculated by excluding weekends and Company Holidays based on location. Also, the Manager can accept/reject or email the user to adjust the leaves. Also, once the request is either in Pending State or Approved it can be retracted by Manager when a user requests to. The Balance is shown and maintained in a List.